Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Simplicity tunic

It's time to catch up on completed sewing projects!

I sewed Simplicity top 2255 before I went on vacation.  I needed a top that would reach my elbows, cover my pelvis, and was loose-fitting.

It ended up being a terrific garment to wear in Iran, and it's still fashionable enough that I would be more than happy to wear it at home since I could roll up the sleeves with the nifty tabs.

The pattern was easy enough to follow, though it could have used some clarifications when assembling the placket.  I usually like to zone out a little bit while I'm sewing, so if you aren't careful, you might not notice that the instructions didn't tell you to copy placket assembly to the other half of the shirt front.  Whoops!  It's not a big deal, and if you have half an ounce of common sense, you can figure it out.

I chose a Liberty of London Tana Lawn fabric.  It was quite spendy at over $20/yard, but it has such a tight weave that I know I won't have any problems with the fabric failing.  I had been eyeing similar lawn shirts at JCrew, but I couldn't bring to spend upwards of $80 for a skimpy shirt with low-quality cotton fabric.

The two above photos are of me at my house.

Ta-da!  Muslim-friendly clothing!  This photo is of me at the Friday Mosque complex in Esfahan, Iran.

All in all, I love the results and I would recommend this pattern to a friend.



  1. Thanks, was looking to see others creations from this pattern and came across yours via Sewing Pattern Review. By co-incidence I'm using a fabric from the Tana Lawn range too :)

  2. Oh, nice! Where did you get your fabric from? Mine happened to be on sale at, but their selection isn't great. I'd love to use more L of L in the future since it's such high quality.
